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The Outspoken Digest


AVM developed Outspoken Digest Magazine’s online presence on numerous social media platforms as an experienced digital marketing agency. Our objective was to create a strong brand identity and generate engaging and original content across Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Through our strategic approach, we successfully helped Outspoken Digest Magazine expand their reach, connect with its target audience, and enhance its online visibility.

Work Done

AVM implemented a comprehensive Facebook strategy for Outspoken Digest Magazine. This included creating an official page that showcased the magazine’s values, articles, and visually appealing content. By leveraging Facebook’s advertising capabilities, we effectively boosted engagement, increased page likes, and grew the magazine’s follower base.

AVM curated an enticing Instagram profile. We focused on creating aesthetically pleasing posts featuring captivating images, and thought-provoking content. A consistent posting schedule and strategic use of hashtags helped grow the magazine’s Instagram following, fostering a community of engaged readers.

Recognizing Pinterest’s potential as a visual discovery platform, we designed visually appealing pins that showcased the magazine’s articles, covers, and featured images. By optimizing pin descriptions and utilizing relevant keywords, we ensured increased visibility and click-through rates, driving traffic to the magazine’s website.

We also crafted a LinkedIn strategy that focused on sharing industry insights, and thought leadership articles. Through consistent posting and active engagement, Outspoken Digest Magazine was able to build a strong presence among professionals and industry leaders.

AVM harnessed the power of concise and impactful messaging on Twitter to enhance Outspoken Digest Magazine’s online presence. We created compelling tweets that covered trending topics, shared excerpts from articles, and actively engaged with the magazine’s audience. By utilizing relevant hashtags and participating in industry conversations, we increased brand visibility and fostered meaningful interactions.

AVM’s efforts in promoting the outspoken digest magazine on social media resulted in significant online engagement and online presence across multiple social media channels. The magazine experienced a substantial increase in followers, likes, and shares, solidifying its position as a reputable source of thought-provoking content. By leveraging social media channels effectively, Outspoken Digest Magazine successfully reached and connected with its target audience, ultimately driving traffic to its website and fostering a thriving online community.

The Outspoken Digest

AVM developed Outspoken Digest Magazine’s online presence on numerous social media platforms as an experienced digital marketing agency.

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